Saturday, 19 November 2011

Flying start of the season for Activitas B1.

The new selection of B1 has just been announced and the first big test of the season will be on the 19th of November. SKF from Veenendaal are scheduled to be the hosts.

Activitas started in the following formation:

  • First attacking four: Bente Stellaard, Christa Winkelman, Chiel Stoop and Cas Tetteroo.
  • First defensive four: Sharona van Elst, Marleen Honders, Jelmer Florie and Ron Quint (voted as Captain by his team)

A solid defense on both sides prevented any goals for the first ten minutes of the game. However, it was Cas Tetteroo who opened the score with a shot. Chiel Stoop brought the 0-2 on the scoreboard with a “doorloopbal”. SKF responded with a shot, bringing the 1-2 on. Ron Quint responded with a shot of his own, making the 1-3. After being flabbergasted SKF got their heads together and scored three unanswered. Two shots and one doorloop were scored giving SKF the advantage going into half-time.

After half-time it was Activitas who took the initiative. Ron Quint scored his second of the day, equalizing the score. Sloppy defense from Activitas gave SKF another advantage with 5-4. Chiel Stoop responded by a shot and Ron Quint was allowed to score from the penalty-stripe, from two and a half meters away. SKF tied up some loose ends and equalized 6-6. Chiel was very accurate and scored two staggering shots from deep. Jelmer Florie was allowed to add another point which brought the score to 6-9. After a shot from SKF it was Cas Tetteroo who scored twice. SKF last stand was just one shot, which brought the final score to 8-11. 

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